I'm sitting here tossing a 20 cent coin, I always do this when someone makes a ridiculous complaint. Not that I don't complain myself, but having spent a good few years in various service industries, I can sympathise with the person on the other side of the counter, when there's a delay or breakdown which affects me. 95% of the time it's none of their fault, but being the face of the organisation they work for they have to smile sweetly and try explain the problem, usually with very little info on the exact cause.
I've just returned from a lovely weekend in London, where I attended a family birthday. There should be health warnings on these weekends. You leave fresh faced, touchdown meet and greet all the "rellies" you haven't seen in ages. Drink to every bloody thing going, from the French Revolution to Palin for president. Then the day after the event you're sapped of all energy. For this weekend, I was uptil 4am on Saturday morning then in bed by 12am on the Saturday night!!!! I'm bloody 39, if I was at home I'd be running to the doctor, if I was in bed that early(Swine-Flu...My Ass).
Anyway there I was yesterday on a Ryanair flight home that was delayed. Some people will say that's nothing new, to me and my experiences of this great airline, it's a rarity. No one complained about this openly, but when we had completed the mad tight fisted scramble for seats( no one pays for Priority Boarding, but they complain bitterly when we can't sit with their loved ones, some might say that's a god send). As I was settling into my seat the bloke opposite hails the stewardess and says, I'd like to complain. My eyes go towards heaven, he goes onto the say... wait for it, the Stairs to the plane were too wobbly and his daughter missed a step!!!!!
For the love of god, how anally repressed do you have to be. If he'd thought this through logically, Ryanair don't actually own the mobile steps we boarded on, it's BAA at Gatwick. So going to a foreign stewardess whose trying her best to get us seated and away in 25 minutes... this is entering funny farm territory. This guy is probably the same chap who complains to the bed company if he stubs his toe in the morning. There are people out there who find fault with anything, these are the people you just want to take outside and give em a good slap!!(I'm not condoning violence, but some idiots like this ask to be taken in hand and if not slapped hard then Sectioned).
So what did our nice Latvian stewardess do? Smiled sweetly and asked him to write a letter. He said he would... Coz he obviously has nothing better to do then keep the Ryanair Customer service dept. laughing, can you imagine how many of these letters they receive each week. A car hire firm I worked for previously used to post the best(or Stupidest, more appropriately) on the wall of the office for all to see. It was a real tonic, having a bad day, go on up to the CS Dept. and laugh your bloody socks off.
So to the idiotic chap on flight Fr117 from Gatwick to Dublin on Sunday 26th of July. Get a F***ing life... Better still go fly with an inordinately expensive competitor, coz their are plenty of others willing to pay the €5 return. Oh and from all your friends at Ryanair's Customer Service Dept. Thank you for making their Monday a little brighter.
The 20 cent? Is for you, to give someone a call who gives a bloody damn, although with the advent of mobile phones does it cost 20 cent?
Nice to see someone not knocking Ryanair for a change. Yes, the stewardess should've hit him a slap, or even better still, leave the landing gear down ( optional ) during the flight and make him ride atop it.
ReplyDeleteThere's a culture out there which dictates that the slightest misfortune has to be someone's fault. Keeps the courts nice and busy too.