I’ve always steered clear of Irish crime
fiction. I don’t know why really. Maybe it’s because I have the plots of a
number of books inside me that I don’t want to see already written about when I
open up some Sunday paper hack’s latest attempt to fill the remaining hours of
their days and weekends when they’re not sleeping, eating, drinking or just
catching up with the family.

Back in February my partner gave me a copy of Gerard
O’Donovan’s latest book “Dublin Dead” as a Valentines Day present. I think I gave
her a voucher for M&S… Hmm, true romantics both us… Anyway I let the book
sit on my bedside locker as a reminder that it was on my TBR (To Be Read) list.
Then as I ran out the door last week to my sisters wedding in Italy without
anything to read, the love of my life suggested rather subtlety that I hadn’t
read “… That book I gave you for Valentines”.
So into the bag it went, displacing Anita Notaro’s latest from a round
trip to Lake Garda .
This is O’Donovan’s second book after “Priest”,
both feature the Dublin DI Mike Mulcahy and Sunday paper journalist Siobhan Fallon.
In “Dublin Dead” both are a year on from their encounter with a deranged priest
who via back story we discover impaled Fallon on the papal cross in Dublin ’s Phoenix
Park . Now that’s what I call
original and made me sit up and take note. Anyway in this outing Fallon is
working through her Post Traumatic Stress on a dead end suicide story which
then leads to a missing persons, while Mulcahy is following up the murder of a Dublin
gangster in Spain and the link to the largest haul of drugs off the cork coast
and the involvement of an internationally feared Columbian hitman, while trying
to prevent the closure of his Drug Liaison Unit by the end of the week. Soon
both hero and heroine find themselves pursued and pursuers with a climactic
finale in west cork.

O’Donovan’s own back story reads a little
fantastically, he’s had a job in the Irish civil service, worked abroad as a
barman, gherkin bottler and philosophy teacher…. Umm, if you can figure how you
go from pushing paper in Dublin
to pushing knobbly green veg into bottles, answers in the comments box below. I
suppose teaching philosophy is similar to that of the gherkin bottler, you’re pushing
knobbly shaped theories into empty vessels.
The book slams you straight into the action from the first page and the pace is relentless to the end. The story line is topical, inspired by a recent botched drug run on a yacht off the south coast and with references to NAMA and the perilous state of the economy. Where it is disappointing is in the final confrontation, here it feels a bit limp and goes down a well worn path. For someone who had one of his lead characters crucified on a 116ft high monument over looking Dublin previously I expected a better ending and some more dramatic set pieces through out the book, but take my word for it this is well worth the read and probably even better if you start with “Priest” .