Sunday, December 20, 2009


Have you ever been to Listowel? No, me neither. After the scenes that occurred in a Kerry district court earlier this week I and quite few people in this country have no intention of willingly going there in the future.

What happened was that just prior to the sentencing of one Danny Foley a 35 year old bouncer from the town who was found guilty of raping a 24year old girl from the town. That fifty, mainly men from the local community marched up in single file and shook his hand and hugged the prisoner, right in front of the distraught and shocked victim.

As well as that the local parish priest, who had come out of retirement to cover sick leave in Mr. Foley's parish appeared as a character witness for him. He has since been forced to step down from his duties and the diocese has issued a statement distancing it's self from the priests comments and actions. This in a time when the catholic church in Ireland is embroiled in the aftermath of the recently published "Murphy Report" on child sex abuse by priests in the Dublin diocese.

If you're a resident of Listowel or know someone from the town, I as well as yourself would like to know what type of misguided town do they live in. That stands up to publicly promote the perpetration of the sexual assault of women as a good thing.

Sexual assaults are the work of warped evil miscreants who have no place in society, no ifs, no butts if you force yourself on a member the opposite sex you get whats coming to you. If you support this man then your no better then he is, if he was my brother or cousin or a friend I'd quickly distance myself from him.

People like this are generally not one off merchants, if they can do it once they will do it again and again, whenever the opportunity arises. So the sight of fifty people glad handing you like some winner of a competition and slapping you on the back like some returning prodigal son just gives the many other sexual deviants out there more cause to go out and continue their sick and twisted activities. Oh but these morally misguided individuals would probably be the first to go screaming foul if one of their kids was sexually attacked and the same scene took place in front of them.

Listowel residents, hang your heads in shame. In one foul and sickening swoop you have undone all the good work of one of your most famous sons, the playwright John B. Keane. Who put Listowel on the map. He must be spinning in his grave at how badly you've tarnished the towns good name.

As for Mr. Foley he got seven years, a pitiful sentence for the crime. Twenty five may have been more fitting, but people will argue that is only given to those who murder. Mr Foley has to all intents and purposes taken the victims life away and ruined it for her, he has also been aided and abetted by his fifty filthy minded cohorts, who think themselves morally superior to the rest of us.

We also learn in the media that his fiancee is sticking by him and claims he is not the man portrayed in court. My dear you need your sight testing as well as your moral compass. As stated earlier in this piece, if I was you I'd drop him like a hot potato and never want to set eyes on him again. A leopard never changes his spots, whether it be even after seven years or twenty years, also he's tainted and damaged goods now, a convicted sex attacker who will go on the sex offenders register on his release.

Finally, it's been alledged that within 24 hours of starting his sentence in Portlaoise prison in the midlands. That Mr. Foley requested a transfer to a Prison in the south of the country so that he maybe closer to his family... Er... A word of advice, it doesn't work that way. You don't take advantage of a poor innocent young woman, wear a sickeningly cocky grin all the way through your trial, then start to play the poor innocent little boy bit when you enter prison and reality sets in. Reality should have set in when you set out on this course of action that has led you to where you are tonight. Also let me reiterate, if your family has any sense they'll oppose the request and want you as far away from them as possible... Out of sight out of mind.

Happy Christmas and good riddance Danny Boy...

Friday, December 4, 2009


Hello everyone, Yes it's been a while since my last confession. Mainly down to the fact that I got a job and had college work to do etc, etc.

So what has me at the keyboard at such an late or early hour?

I came home from work this evening to discover my mail included a letter from the nice boys and girls in the Garda Siochana (The Police, if your reading this from outside Ireland). The letter was notice of a fixed penalty fine being issued to me for parking on a double yellow line on the main street of my home town of Bray.

Oooh you naughty boy your probably saying and normally I'd agree with you. But what has really irked me is at what time the ticket was issued.... 0:00.. Yes midnight on Friday 2 weeks ago....

What in the living daylights was a guard thinking when he gave me the ticket. Who in gods name worries about getting a parking ticket at midnight!!!!!!!!!!! The only type of guard to issue tickets at that time of night is a bloody minded Jobs worth, with nothing better to do. That is an unmitigated lie... Of course he has something better to do at that time of night.

He or She at that time of night is charged with keeping the streets safe for people leaving the pubs on the main st and making there way home. They are certainly falling down on the job if a woman is attacked at mugged or sexually assaulted while this dipstick is wasting his time and mine filling out a bloody parking ticket.

Bray isn't exactly a hot-bed of crime, it's the largest town in Wicklow and the first major town you come to south of Dublin. It has a drug problem, a problem with street crime especially at night when the pubs and clubs close, we're regularly visited by the Garda Chopper late at night. But in the midst of all this crime, one stupid moron from the sticks with just enough cop on to graduate from Templemore (Garda training college), decides at midnight on the 20th of November to stop his beat protecting the main street, to put a ticket on a car which was not obstructing a driveway or the entrance to a hospital or fire station...

I'm a supporter of the guards my late Uncle was a guard, my second cousin is one, actually based in Bray. I have a good friend who is in the Garda reserves and I'm friends with a number of local guards too. But past two weeks haven't been good for the Garda PR machine, last week they were severely criticised in the Murphy report into Child abuse allegations in the Dublin Diocese, for basically looking the other way when there was overwhelming evidence of children being a bused by local priests. Then this week there were reports of the unlawful arrest and detention of a member of the public by two plain clothes officers in Dublin recently. Why?

The member of the public was walking home through the centre of Dublin a couple of weeks ago, when he witnessed a car mount a pavement and almost knock him down , so it could take a short cut. He remonstrated at the vehicle with his hand. Five minutes later the same car screeched to a halt next to him as he continued on his way. The two men intimidated the man and then cuffed him for no reason and manhandled him into the car. At no stage did they identify themselves as guards until they got him in the car and drove him to the local Garda station. In the process of cuffing him and putting him in the car they broke his finger... His only crime showing his disapproval at the actions of a couple of jumped up boyo's who thought they were Dublin's answer to Crockett and Tubbs, more like Crocked and tubby ...

So what do I have to do know, at a time when I'm short of cash I have to find €40 to pay the fine, at this time of year I don't see why I shouldn't be able to hand over a receipt showing I'd made a donation for the amount in question to a deserving charity. Instead it goes into the coffers of a corrupt and useless government, who couldn't organise a Christmas party in a brewery and whose inept style of leadership is obviously rubbing off on the guardians of law and order in our society.